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Gut Ecology and Metabolic Modulation (G.E.M.M.)

A protocol that mimics Mother Nature, is gentle and effective and guides your body to heal itself.

What is G.E.M.M.?

The G.E.M.M. Protocol (Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation) stands as a distinctive healthcare system leveraging the principles of nature to enhance cellular function. When your cells are in optimal health, previously compromised areas of your body receive essential support, initiating a healing process.

How does it heal the body?

The G.E.M.M. Protocol incorporates Nutrigenomics, a scientific discipline examining how specific foods communicate with your genes via KEAP2 activation, influencing your health positively or negatively based on dietary choices. Rooted in peer-reviewed research and aligned with insights from our evolutionary history, every facet of the G.E.M.M. protocol strikes a balance between science and nature. It serves as an effective means to counteract the consequences of contemporary lifestyles.

High grade, bioactive sulphorophane supplied with clinically studies doses are shown to significantly reverse disease and guide the body to heal itself by upregulation of hundreds of protective genes.

What makes G.E.M.M. different?

Reverse the aging process, reverse disease.


Inclusive diet

Numerous digestive health protocols advocate for the exclusion of an extensive range of foods such as gluten, oxalates, histamines, and FODMAPS to alleviate symptoms. While this approach may provide short-term relief, it often proves challenging to sustain over the long term. Some individuals find themselves limiting their diet further as sensitivities grow, potentially resulting in nutritional deficiencies that hinder ongoing healing.

G.E.M.M. does not use this approach, and the long-term strategy is to build your diet to be inclusive of more foods - even gluten and dairy for many individuals.


Made for modern-day challenges

The immune system, beyond combating infections, addresses inflammation, allergies, and autoimmune conditions. G.E.M.M. stands out by uniquely combining intricate sciences to address issues like infections, allergies, and inflammation, offering a distinctive approach that extends to resolving food intolerances—a significant concern for many individuals.


Food as Medicine

G.E.M.M. employs exclusive natural formulations featuring functional foods that harmonise effectively with our bodies. These functional foods communicate with our genes, initiating processes that contribute to our protection. Operating with a distinctive language, these foods convey messages to our genes, prompting repair mechanisms and reducing inflammation—a key factor in preventing various diseases.


Targets many conditions - not just one

The G.E.M.M. approach, rooted in Naturopathy and Natural Medicine principles, uniquely heals at a deep cellular level, benefiting all cells in the body and successfully addressing diverse conditions such as chronic digestive issues, hormonal imbalances, immune dysfunction, autoimmune conditions, stress, and fatigue, often in conjunction with herbal medicines and lifestyle adjustments.

Conditions we treat with G.E.M.M. 

Gut related conditions:

  • Abdominal Pain

  • Bloated Abdomen

  • Candida & Yeast Overgrowth

  • Constipation

  • Diarrhoea

  • Gastritis & Stomach Ulcers

  • Haemorrhoids & Fissures

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

  • Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

  • Leaky Gut

  • Parasite & Blastocystis Infections

  • Reflux

  • Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)

Women's Health:

​Gynecological Conditions:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

  • Endometriosis symptoms and treatment

  • Uterine fibroids

  • Ovarian cysts


Menstrual Health: 

  • Menstrual cycle irregularities

  • Menstrual cramps

  • Menstrual flow variations



  • Menopause symptoms

  • Hormone replacement therapy (HRT)

  • Managing menopausal changes

Men's Health


  • Adrenal fatigue

  • Stress and mood changes

  • Prostate health

  • Libido and vitality

  • Insomnia

Cardiovascular and Metabolic Health:

  • Heart disease risk

  • High blood pressure in women

  • High cholesterol

  • Hyperglycemia

  • Diabetes

  • Hypoglycemia

  • Postprandial (After-Meal) Spike

  • Insulin Resistance

  • Auto-immune disease

Weight Management:

  • Stubborn hormonal weight loss

  • Post baby weight

  • Menopausal weight gain

  • Estrogen dominance

  • Fluid retention

  • Group weight loss programs

  • Online weight loss program

Thyroid Health:

  • Hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism

  • Hashimoto's disease

  • Iodine corrective protocols

  • Grave's disease

How To Strengthen The Gut and Balance Autoimmune Diseases.

Watch a Facebook Live recorded September 29th, 2023 discussing the gut and immune system, auto-immune disease, and some dietary strategies.

Book a consultation to discuss criteria for participating in the G.E.M.M. wellness program. 

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